Pros and Cons of Truck GPS Tracking

When you made the decision to invest in a pickup rental, you knew there would be risks involved. What happens if someone runs into your truck when they’re going 40 miles per hour, leaving you with scrap metal? Or better yet, are you responsible if the truck is stolen from your job site?

Your business can be at risk of losing money through these rental programs if you aren’t careful. Luckily for you, Summit Fleet now includes GPS tracking in all of the trucks we rent out. This means that from the comfort of your computer desk, you can have eyes on all the vehicles you’ve trusted your employees with.

With every piece of technology, there comes positives and negatives. Is this service something that you should have? Read on to learn more about the benefits of GPS tracking for trucks.

How Having a GPS Tracking System Can Save You Money

In an industry that asks a lot out of its trucks, every dollar saved counts greatly when you’re looking at the expensive finances that comes with using trucks for your business. At Summit Fleet, we try to mitigate your costs by offering you the best prices on the best rental trucks in America, but we understand that there are more costs you have to worry about outside of ours. This is where having a GPS tracking system on all of your trucks comes into play. Many may not see the benefits but the little things add up and big accidents can be costly. Here are some benefits of fleet GPS tracking:

  • Gas Saved: 800 gallons of fuel is wasted annually by idling
  • Stolen vehicles recovered: 1.2 million vehicles are stolen in the U.S. each year, costing $7.6 billion. 9/10 vehicles with GPS are recovered within 24 hours.
  • Lowered insurance rates: 6 million accidents occur a year, you company’s insurance rate will be significantly lower with GPS tracking. 
  • Lowered maintenance expenses: GPS tracking with Summit Fleet is more than just tracking where the driver is at. It’s also about collecting data to optimize the best way to maintain fleets to lower the cost of maintenance and risks of breakdowns.

That’s why we have GPS systems in every one of our rental trucks. Having your drivers use GPS when they’re out on the road saves you thousands of dollars over a year in fuel, maintenance and employee expenses.

How Much Money Can You Save with GPS Tracking?

In an industry that asks a lot out of its trucks, every dollar saved counts greatly when you’re looking at the expensive finances that come with using trucks for your business. At Summit Fleet, we try to mitigate your costs by offering you the best prices on the best rental trucks in America, but we understand that there are more costs you have to worry about outside of ours.

That’s why we have GPS systems in every single one of our rental trucks. Having your drivers use GPS when they’re out on the road saves you thousands of dollars over a year in fuel, maintenance and employee expenses. Here’s what you can save monthly and annually: 

How Summit Fleet Tracks Trucks

We’re not shy when it comes to bragging about our unique features. We’re proud of the work we do here at Summit Fleet. When it comes to saving money on rental trucks, we’ve found the key. Our GPS tracking features allow your employees to be held to a certain standard of accountability. Take a closer look at what this incredible feature can look like for your business.

Ready to get started? Get your rate today.