Fleet Roadside Assistance

Fleet Roadside Assistance
May 7, 2021
Do your drivers have a safety net 24/7/365 when they are on the job? Giving them access to roadside assistance is a great addition to their safety ‘toolkit’.
The phrase duty of care is often used to talk about an employer’s responsibility to their employees, but what does this duty consist of?

Duty of care means all employers should take steps to ensure their employees’ health, safety and wellbeing, both physical and psychological, while performing work for your organization.
Not all employers are aware of the implications of the Duty of Care. It doesn’t matter how small a business happens to be – where there’s a member of staff, there’s a duty of care responsibility.
An employer can be deemed to have breached their Duty of Care by failing to do everything that was reasonable in the circumstances to keep the employee safe from harm.
Summit Fleet provides toll-free roadside assistance throughout Canada and the United States, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, English and French.
Ensure your most important assets (staff) are taken care of
- No monthly fee
- If roadside assistance is provided, flow-through charge appears on monthly Summit bill
Add Roadside Assistance to your safety ‘toolkit’ by contacting your Summit Fleet Representative or use the links below.
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