The Top Three States with the Biggest Pickup Populations

America loves its trucks. Nothing says “America” like a half ton pickup rental with two American flags mounted to the cab. Here at Summit Fleet, we make sure America gets its trucks. Some may ask, why are Americans so obsessed with trucks? Because nobody works as hard as an American. American industries need powerful vehicles that are fuel efficient and reliable. All across the United States, trucks are used in a variety of different occupancies.

Construction Along the California Coast

California has a higher population of pickup trucks than any other state. There are roughly 4.7 million pickup trucks in the state of California. One major reason California needs its trucks is because of construction. California has a huge population of people and it also has a big economy. As a result of this, California has many construction projects. Construction companies hire fleets of rental trucks for these projects. However, some employees prefer having their own trucks.

The Tough Texan’s Tasks

Historically, Texans were ranchers and cowboys. Texans were tough and dedicated workers. They still are. That’s why they prefer function over fashion when it comes to vehicles. Nothing is more functional than a heavy-duty pickup truck. This may explain the 4.2 million pickup trucks in Texas. Texas is still a big ranching state with one of the biggest ranches in the United States: King Ranch. The rental trucks at worksites and ranches need to be top notch to keep up with all of the towing tasks their jobs demand.

Furnishing Florida’s Fabulous Orange Fluid

This might be shocking to some, but the state with the third highest truck population is Florida. With 2.1 million trucks, it’s only half the amount of Texas’ lot, but it’s still an impressive number. Florida needs these rental trucks, or should we say, American breakfast needs the trucks. Orange juice production in Florida provides nearly 75 percent of all the orange juice in the U.S. Without all the towing help from pickup trucks, America would have to drink water with breakfast.

Providing American companies with all the rental trucks they need, is a big task. However we are proud of the work we do because pickup trucks are the driving force of America.

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