Tips To Correct High Risk Fleet Drivers

Most of us believe we are good, safe drivers. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Many fleet drivers text while driving, speed, drive aggressively, etc. This is not only the case with everyday personal vehicles, but also fleet vehicles. Fleet drivers are making important deliveries and working on projects that are on tight deadlines. However, these jobs still need to be done safely to ensure the safety of not only the driver but the cargo. Sadly, motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of work place fatalities. Safe driving practices are needed now more than ever with the constant distractions we deal with day-to-day.

Four Ways to Correct High-Risk Behavior

Cell Phone Safety Training

Cell phones are one of the main reasons for accidents today. While training and brochures are helpful in purveying this important message, sometimes they are not enough for fleet drivers to get the hint. There is wireless technology in many vehicles now but even with wireless technology, accidents still happen often. There is even technology that will block incoming calls/text while the car is in motion.

Safety Incentive Programs

Sometimes all that is needed is an incentive. Fleet managers found much success with providing acknowledgement and incentives to fleet drivers when noticing safe behaviors. This may result in high-risk drivers following suit.

Coaching Sessions

Standard training and one-on-one safety meetings play a major role in company liability. When these trainings occur, they should be documented to prove accountability. If it’s discussed with a supervisor, the high-risk driver then understands this is not acceptable.

Automated Training

Not all fleet drivers speak English and not everyone reacts to the same way of learning. Online learning modules in multiple languages have been shown to be helpful.


These steps are not just for the company to avoid lawsuits, but this is for the driver’s well-being. High risk driving causes more accidents and fatalities. The end goal is to have everyone safe on the roads. Make sure your fleet drivers are as safe as possible while working on the next project.

